Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Hertford Civic Society will be held on Wednesday, 30 April at 8.00 pm in the Hall of the Church of the Immaculate Conception and St Joseph, St John’s Street, Hertford.
2. Report of the Committee for 2013
3. Hon Treasurer’s Report and Accounts
4. Election of Officers
5. Election of Members of the Committee
6. Any Other Business
The current Officers and Committee are listed on p6-7 of the Spring 2014 Society Newsletter which is available for download from our website. All retire annually. The Constitution provides for up to 16 Committee members in addition to four Officers. Nominations for elections of Officers and Members of the Committee should be made in writing to the Chairman, Terry Betts, supported by a seconder and with the written consent of the nominee. Nominations for election as an Officer must be made at least seven days before the AGM, but nomination for election of Members of the Committee will be accepted at the meeting.
Refreshments will be served after the business has been concluded.